Solar System

Solar System


Definition: The star at the center of the Solar System, composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.
Average temperature: Approximately 5,500°C (9,932°F) at the surface, and millions of degrees in the core.
Number of moons: 0 (The Sun does not have any moons).


Definition: The smallest planet in the Solar System, located closest to the Sun.
Average temperature: About 430°C (800°F) during the day and -180°C (-290°F) at night due to its lack of atmosphere.
Number of moons: 0 (Mercury does not have any moons).


Definition: The second planet from the Sun, known for its thick, toxic atmosphere.
Average temperature: Approximately 462°C (864°F) due to its greenhouse effect, which traps heat from the Sun.
Number of moons: 0 (Venus does not have any moons).


Definition: The third planet from the Sun, known for its abundant life and unique characteristics that allow for life to exist.
Average temperature: About 15°C (59°F) at the surface, with variations based on latitude and season.
Number of moons: 1 (Earth has one moon, called the Moon).


Definition: The fourth planet from the Sun, known for its reddish appearance and dusty, rocky terrain.
Average temperature: About -63°C (-81°F) at the equator and -143°C (-225°F) at the poles due to its thin atmosphere.
Number of moons: 2 (Mars has two moons, called Phobos and Deimos).


Definition: The fifth planet from the Sun, known for its massive size and distinctive stripes caused by atmospheric gases.
Average temperature: Approximately -145°C (-234°F) at the top of its clouds.
Number of moons: 79 (Jupiter has 79 known moons, including the four largest known as the Galilean moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto).


Definition: The sixth planet from the Sun, known for its iconic rings made of ice and rock particles.
Average temperature: About -178°C (-288°F) at the top of its clouds.
Number of moons: 82 (Saturn has 82 known moons, including the largest called Titan).


Definition: The seventh planet from the Sun, known for its blue-green color and tilted axis that causes extreme seasons.
Average temperature: Approximately -197°C (-323°F) at the top of its clouds.
Number of moons: 27 (Uranus has 27 known moons, including the largest called Titania).


Definition: The eighth planet from the Sun, known for its deep blue color and strong winds that create massive storms.
Average temperature: Approximately -201°C (-330°F) at the top of its clouds.
Number of moons: 14 (Neptune has 14 known moons, including the largest called Triton).